Boot | public welfare the movie "pineapple" sea boot ceremony and love together Guardian dream donation ceremony held in ganzizhou daofu county of sichuan province is satisfactory.



Great beauty knows no bounds, great love knows no boundaries. On July 16, 2022, the opening ceremony of the public welfare film "Pineapple Sea" and the donation ceremony of Love Gathering to Protect Dreams were successfully held in Daofu County, Kardze Prefecture, Sichuan Province. Li Qing, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of China Children's Charity Rescue Foundation, Li Jun, Ambassador of Dream, Xie Min, Member of the Standing Committee of the Daofu County Party Committee and Director of the Organization Department of Kardze Prefecture, Sichuan Province, Li Qinglin, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Director of the People's Armed Forces Department, Yin Xiantao, Deputy County Governor of Daofu County Government and other relevant leaders attended the event and delivered speeches. Also present at the event were the cast and crew of "Sea of Pineapples", as well as the heads of relevant departments and townships such as the Publicity Department of the Daofu County Party Committee, the County Civil Affairs Bureau, the County Veterans Affairs Bureau, County No. 1 Middle School, and Xianshui Town. The event was presided over by Yin Xiantao, deputy county magistrate of Daofu County Government in Kardze Prefecture, Sichuan Province.

Love gathers to protect dreams

At the beginning of the event, Li Qing, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of the China Children's Charity Association, delivered a speech, she said: The China Children's Charity Association Dream Realization Project is guided by the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee, and takes the implementation of the "Measures for the Management of Child Welfare Institutions" as the main line, focusing on the healthy growth of the descendants of heroes and children in terms of health, education, life and skills. With institutional reform and innovation as the driving force, starting from a wide range of health influencing factors, popularizing the healthy life of children and adolescents, optimizing growth services for children and adolescents, improving the protection of children's rights and interests, building a child-friendly environment, and developing "forging a national brand with public welfare" as the main line of work, strengthening the guidance of charity concepts and extensively condensing public welfare consensus as the central link, ensuring the healthy growth of children in an all-round and full-cycle manner, and undertaking the implementation of the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the requirements of charitable aid work for children. Contribute to greatly improving the healthy growth of Chinese children.

Xie Min, member of the Standing Committee of the Daofu County Party Committee and Director of the Organization Department of Daofu County, Kardze Prefecture, Sichuan Province, said in his speech that on behalf of the Daofu County Party Committee, the Daofu County People's Government and the 55,000 people in the county, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the China Children's Charity Rescue Foundation and the cast and crew of "Pineapple Sea" for their arrival, as well as for their care, support and help for the development of Daofu County's love cause and cultural tourism. The crew of the public welfare film "Pineapple Sea" chose to shoot the film in Daofu County, which can not only efficiently display the rich natural resources and profound cultural heritage of Daofu County, but also fully display the ideological connotation of the film through the story plot and beautiful scenery, I believe that the efficient integration of resources and plot can actively spread positive energy to the society, and the film will be able to watch Changhong and produce huge social influence.

Guard each other

"Your Dream, My Responsibility"

In order to allow local students to successfully pursue their dreams and better support and accompany students to grow together, a donation activity of "Gathering Love and Protecting Dreams" was specially added to this opening ceremony. Li Qing, Deputy Director of the China Children's Charity Aid Foundation, and Li Jun, Ambassador of Love, donated a total of 500 school bags, basketballs and other learning and sports supplies to Daofu County No. 1 Middle School on behalf of the Dream Realization Project Team. We hope to support and protect students to successfully pursue their dreams and realize their dreams in the future.

Caring Ambassadors

Thanks to the ambassador - Li Jun, who is also one of the leading actors of this film, became a dream ambassador, and will speak out for children's public welfare in the future and jointly protect children in difficulty.

Dream Fulfillment

As a public welfare project focusing on the healthy growth of the descendants of heroes and young children, the film "Pineapple Sea" crew donated 50,000 yuan to the local children of heroes and military families in order to encourage the all-round development of local heroic children. We will ensure the healthy growth of children in an all-round and full-cycle manner, undertake to implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the requirements of charitable aid work for children and adolescents, and contribute to greatly improving the healthy growth level of Chinese children.


Learning is everyone's lifelong undertaking, and I hope that children and teenagers across the country can grow up healthily under the same blue sky, succeed in their studies, and serve the motherland.

Public welfare film "Sea of Pineapples"

Successful start-up

The public welfare film "The Sea of Pineapples" aims to arouse the public to cherish family affection, strengthen faith, and help those in need around them through a film that promotes positive energy. "A little love for everyone, infinite strength", together with those in need, "Fulfilling the Dream of Children's Walking" is also the best interpretation of President Xi's great theme of "the people have faith, the country has strength".

Picture| "Sea of Pineapples" crew

Text content| Dream Fulfillment Office

